суббота, 20 июля 2024 г.

TRON technology for accurate earthquake forecasting in 2024

Tecnología TRON para una previsión precisa de terremotos en 2024

In 1974, the great helmsman, Comrade Mao Zedong, said, "Earthquakes should be predicted by people, not scientists." Mao Zedong said, "We need it," and the Party replied, "We have it." And the first secretary of the district party committee in Haicheng, recently promoted to the level of the second secretary of the Liaoning province, was a devoted party member. When people started coming to his office reporting strange behavior of wild and domestic animals, he understood that action was needed.

Early in the morning on February 4, 1975, the evacuation of residents began in Haicheng district. And by evening, at 19:36, a powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 occurred. In an instant, thousands of buildings were reduced to rubble, over 27,000 people were injured, and 2,041 people lost their lives. Horrific consequences. But... as further research showed, without the evacuation order, the number of casualties would have exceeded 150,000 people. This was the world's first predicted earthquake. It could have been followed by a second predicted earthquake. But by 1976, Comrade Mao Zedong was seriously ill, and earthquakes again began to be predicted by scientists. As a result, the 1976 Tangshan earthquake claimed the lives of 300,000 people.


Since then, almost 50 years have passed. Hundreds of thousands of people have died worldwide from earthquakes.

  • Spitak, 1988. Armenia. Magnitude 7.2. 25,000 people died.
  • Neftegorsk, 1995. Russia. Magnitude 7.6. 2,040 people died.
  • Port-au-Prince, 2010. Haiti. Magnitude 7. 223,000 people died.
  • Sendai, 2011. Japan. Magnitude 9. 18,000 people died.
  • Turkey, Syria, 2023. Magnitude 7.8. 52,000 people died.

In the newly formed state of Israel, a patent was issued stating that animals can sense earthquakes. The Soviet Union, whose scientists created a table displaying how many days in advance and at what distance various animals sense earthquakes, no longer exists.

Технология точного прогноза землетрясений «TRON» в 2024 году

And only scientists - seismologists around the world continue to say the same thing:

  • "There is a 70% chance of a magnitude 7 earthquake in the Tokyo area within the next 30 years."
    Professor Hiroyuki Fujivara. National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention in Japan.
  • "Deterministic predictions of individual earthquakes with the accuracy necessary to plan evacuation programs are fundamentally impossible."
    Seismology community of the United States.
  • "Even an excellent (hypothetical) prediction method would have questionable social utility, as organized evacuation of urban centers is unlikely to be successful, while panic and other undesirable side effects can be expected."
    Seismologist Stathis Stiros, Greece.

My name is Boris D. Yarovoy, and I am not a seismologist. But in 2001, when I published my article "The Internet as an Environment for Artificial Intelligence," I speculated that the internet would help humanity accurately predict the intensity, location, and timing of earthquakes. And ten years later, in 2011, I came up with a technology TRON (Technology Real-time Online Nucleus) that utilized existing social internet networks to gather information on changes in the behavior of domestic animals in seismically active areas. With a primary database on how animals react to weak earthquakes of magnitude 3, 4, and 5, it became easy to calculate the timing, location, and magnitude of earthquakes using mathematical statistical methods.

There are technologies, but no lives saved - why? Perhaps this is because I don't have the money to create an initial prototype of this technology (and I don't need anything else). It could be because seismologists have their own families and don't want to be without their salaries and opportunities to travel to various symposiums, conferences, and meetings. Additionally, one could suggest that the issue is not with humans but with fish, amphibians, and reptiles, which suddenly, on a single day after the death of Comrade Mao Zedong, lost their ability to sense earthquakes, which was possessed by tens of millions of them before. There can be numerous questions and various answers.

But what I know for sure is that progress cannot be stopped, and billions of people and their children need a simple, affordable, and modern technology for accurate prediction of the intensity, location, and timing of earthquakes. Therefore, even today, in 2024, thirteen years after creating this know-how, I continue to write about TRON, feeling like a little snail crawling up Mount Fuji and repeating Confucius' mantra to myself: "It doesn't matter how fast you move toward your goal, the most important thing is to not stop."

I write and read in all languages of the world. 
I speak only Russian and Ukrainian

Thank you for reading this message. Now when you hear again that there was an earthquake somewhere and thousands of people died, you know that 90% of those people could have been saved. And you can also help with this - forward this article to journalists you know or simply post a link to this page on your social networks - do yourself and your children a favor that will be rewarded in this life and in the next. Or you can do nothing - no one will know about it and no one will judge you.
Except your conscience and God.