Russia Industry Reports: analysing key industries with forecasts to 2018

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Russia Industry Reports

21 key industry reports with forecasts to 2018
Dear Sir/Madam,

Introducing powerful tools for market assessment, price monitoring, competitor analysis and business planning.

Business Monitor International (BMI) has just published 21 reports analysing key industries in Russia.
As an executive who is directly engaged in managing the performance of your organisation, you can use these reports and the independent views and forecasts to support your day-to-day decision-making.

Special Offer: Order any industry report by September 28 2018 to claim a 15% discount and pay £635/€735/US$995 (down from £750 / €870 / US$1175) with the full protection of our 14 day Money-Back Guarantee.

I look forward to receiving your order soon, if you need further information, please contact me on the details below.

Kind regards,

Lyndsey Anderson
Head of Industry Research
Business Monitor International

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7246 1403
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7248 0467
Special Offer - 15% Off
Order any industry report by September 28 2012 to claim your 15% discount
Country Industry Reports feature market and competitive analysis, industry and regulatory trends, and independent 5-10 year forecasts.

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Business Monitor International
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Kim il Sung: internet archive


ねぐらを出て大学構内を3、4分歩いたところにある「富山-ウラジオストク友好庭園」です。10年前に出来たそうですね。大きな道の側でバス停も近く、何気にいい位置。ただ、この大学に日本語専攻はなく、ロシア人が庭を眺めてる姿は見かけません。今のところ。 余談ですが、北海道の高橋はるみ知事は富山県出身です。

"Сад дружбы Тояма-Владивосток" в ВГУЭС ценой $300.000. Префектура Тояма находится в районе Нокурику, Япония.  Сегодняшний Губернатор Хоккайдо Харуми ТАКАХАСИ родом из Тояма. Завтрашний - родом из Владивостока

Russian Federation & United States for Putin and vladimir

United States Web Search activity for Putin and vladimir putin (r=0.9621)
Line chart

 vladimir putin
Hint: Drag to Zoom, and then correlate over that time only.

Normalized Search Activity (σ)

The artworks of Jakub Rosalski

Artist Jakub Rozalski lives and works in Hamburg. His paintings are a real journey into the world, where the past, the future and the fantasy are intertwined.

1920 — Эскадрон Костюшко.

Темные феи.

1920 — До шторма.

Подготовка ко взлету.

Немецкие волки.

Дед Мороз.

Настоящие бейсбольные фанаты.



Бог зимы.

Встреча с шаманом.

Темный эльф.

Солдат Солнца.

Робот в тумане.

Железный вампир.

Баба-яга и Черный Клык.


Большая пушка.

На дороге.

Замерзший пляж.


Крылатый демон.

Король скорпионов.

Подмога с неба.

Русский солдат.

Источник: ©

Here and now you can not talk about Jesus.

Christmas is the day of Jesus Christ.
For someone, he is God,
For whom is a man,
For whom is Superstar,
What does the star mean.

I would also like to say,
What does it mean for me.
But I can not.
Incorrectly open my mouth - then I'm waiting for prison.

Here and now you can not talk about Jesus.
It's better to be silent.
And to keep silent exactly and correctly.
As one Patriarch teaches.

But I know for sure,
What there is on the Earth places
Where can you sing with his name
And even to dance.
And the Virgin Mary for something to ask.
And do not be afraid to please the Crosses.